How Are Motorcycle Wrecks Different From Auto Accidents?

The general difference that I see in motorcycle accidents versus regular car accidents is not the negligence of the drivers, but the seriousness of the injuries that are sustained. Cars have been getting safer over the years and serious injuries, as a result, have gone down. But, for someone on a motorcycle in an accident, .

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What Types Of Vehicles Are Involved In Trucking Accidents?

Dedicated Legal Assistance In Personal Injury Matters. A trucking accident could be anything from a cargo van to an 18 wheeler, construction vehicles such as a dump truck, sometimes a backhoe or similar vehicle is licensed and is driven on the road at times. Are These Vehicles Subject To Different Regulations And Law? If So, .

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What Types Of Injuries Are Sustained In Commercial Vehicle Accidents?

It’s hard to tell which injuries you might see in a trucking accident. It could be lacerations from broken glass, fractures, amputation of a limb, burns, neck and back injuries, or worse. Who Can Be Held Liable For A Commercial Vehicle Accident In New York? Anyone in New York who is the operator of the .

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What Are The Time Limits For Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit In New York?

The statute of limitations for any personal action brought in the state of New York is three years from the date of the accident. Should I Notify My Insurance Company Regarding An Auto Accident? What About The Other Party’s Insurance? You should definitely notify all insurance carriers associated with a car accident. In the case .

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What Should I Do If I Have Been Injured In An Auto Accident?

The first thing you need after being injured is to file a no-fault application with your own insurance company. New York is a no-fault state and you’ll need to file a no-fault application within 30 days of the accident. After that, if there’s a medical treatment that needs to be followed up on, you need .

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What Should I Know About Car Accident Evidence In New York?

While the specific types of evidence you might need to substantiate the allegations in your personal injury claim will vary depending on the specific facts of your case, most people use police reports, eyewitness statements, and medical records. This evidence can be used when negotiating a settlement with the at-fault party’s insurance company to show .

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