Are Future Medical Expenses Accounted For In A Settlement Offer?

Are Future Medical Expenses Accounted For In A Settlement OfferGenerally, once a settlement is reached, the defendants are completely absolved from any ramifications of that accident. There are certain very particular instances where you can avoid this release if there are unknown injuries at the time that the release was entered into. However, normally that .

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Is Settling My Personal Injury Claim Usually Better Than Going To Trial?

Whether or not to settle a personal injury claim depends on whether there is an offer to settle, and whether it’s a reasonable offer or not. The choice to settle is always up to the client. I make a recommendation, but ultimately it’s the client’s choice whether to accept the offer or not. If you .

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What Are The Top Misconceptions About Premises Liability Cases?

The top misconceptions, as far as premises liability cases are concerned, is that if someone simply gets hurt on someone else’s property that the property owner is automatically liable; that is really not the case. You have to show other elements to make sure that the liability attaches to that landowner. If someone goes into .

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What Is Premises Liability Under Personal Injury Law?

Premises liability under personal injury law, as it applies to my practice, is when somebody is injured due to a landowner not maintaining their property in a reasonably safe condition. This could be if someone has an accident and that incident causes injuries. What I seek to do, is to get compensation for my clients .

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Does The Threat Of Litigation Enhance The Likelihood Of A Larger Settlement?

I prepare every case like it is going to trial. That does not mean that I am not reasonable when it comes to the stage of the case where we are talking about settlement. But you always have to be prepared for trial in that event that it happens, so you want to have your .

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What Can I Expect To Happen Once A Personal Injury Claim Is Filed?

Once a case has been filed, generally the only interaction that you will have with the other attorney will be at a deposition, which is further along in the case. The other thing you might want to expect is what is called an IME where your physical condition can be examined by a doctor of .

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