What Areas Of Real Estate Law Do You Typically Handle?

My office represents buyers and sellers in the purchase and sale of real estate, which could be vacant land, single family homes, multiple family homes, condominiums, and co-ops. I also represent clients in landlord-tenant proceedings. I handle eviction proceedings, and sometimes I handle defense of tenants in eviction proceedings. I represent both landlords and tenants in those areas. I also represent people who have disputes in real estate in my litigation practice. Another area that I represent real estate clients in is foreclosure defense. If a bank has issued a mortgage and the client has defaulted on their payments, then there is a typically a lawsuit to try to foreclose on the property. I represent clients in the defense of that type of action, and sometimes seek to get a modification of their mortgage enabling the client to keep their home.

Do I Need A Real Estate Attorney If I Am Buying A Single Family Home? Will A Title Company And Escrow Service Be Sufficient?

The title company and the escrow service will be trying to protect their own interests. The only person interested in protecting the rights of the purchaser in this situation would be a lawyer. I would certainly recommend that every person buying property use the services of a lawyer, such as myself. The client is most likely purchasing the most valuable asset in their lifetime, and the cost of a lawyer to help them through that transaction is very minimal with respect to the actual price of the house and some of the other fees involved. You should retain a lawyer if you are going to be buying or selling any kind of property, condo, or co-op.

What Advice Would You Give To Someone Who Is Preparing To Sell Or Purchase Property?

In the legal sense, you want to make sure that there are no liens on your property that you are not aware of. Are there any judgements? Are there any mortgages that were paid off but are not reflected of record? Are there any violations from the municipality on the property? You can take a look at all of those types of records, to make sure that those issues have been cleared up when you go to sell the property. If you are looking to buy another piece of property, you want to make sure that your credit is in order so you can get a loan. If you are going to be getting a mortgage, make sure there is nothing on your credit report that is paid off, still open, or there are claims there that don’t belong there.

What Are Some Things That Can Happen Which Can Cause A Purchase Or A Sale To Fall Through?

There are a couple of things that can cause a deal to fall through, with respect to the purchase and sale of real estate. It could be that a person doesn’t get a mortgage, so they can’t afford to pay the full purchase price, so the contract is sometimes cancelled. There could be a lien on the property that somebody didn’t know about affecting the ability to obtain clear title. It could be a judgment or a violation that somebody didn’t know about, and they need time to clear it up before they can proceed with the sale. Sometimes those issues will cause a deal to fail.

For more information on Practicing Real Estate Law In New York, an initial consultation is your best next step. Get the information and legal answers you’re seeking by calling (914) 686-3171 today.