What Are The Biggest Challenges Faced In The Personal Injury Claims Process?

What Are The Biggest Challenges Faced In The Personal Injury Claims ProcessIn any personal injury case or claim initially I advise the client just to recover from the injury to get well, to heal and try to recover as much of their normal life as they can. Initial challenges other than their health may include witnesses, investigations, locating potential defendants, but once I am hired in a personal injury case, I take care of all of that and the client doesn’t have many concerns.

What Are Some Things The Injured Victim Can Do To Get Themselves The Best Outcome In A Personal Injury Claim?

Sometimes clients don’t contact me until months or a year after the accident. This usually has a detrimental effect on my investigation. The sooner an injured party contact me to represent them in their case the better off they usually are. The first steps I normally take would be contacting witnesses doing site investigations and locating potential defendants who contributed to the accident. When a person waits to retain me for a long period after he suffered an accident this makes my job harder in locating witnesses getting accurate photos of the accident site which may have changed since the time of the accident etc.

What Are Some Things That People Must Avoid To Protect Their Personal Injury Case?

Once I am retaining a personal injury case, I advise the client to speak to you no one other than myself and their medical providers regarding the accident. Sometimes before I am retained insurance companies and their representatives will try to contact the injured parties and make a small settlement offer or try to take a statement from the injured party which may have a long-term detrimental effect on the case.

Who Can I Trust In My Personal Injury Case?

The insurance company seems to be nice and concerned with my recovery. The insurance representatives are generally seemingly nice and caring at the outside but they are there to protect the Insured and not the injured party. Their goal is to either get a small settlement from the injured party before they hire an attorney who knows the actual value of the case order to get a statement from the injured party which may have a detrimental effect on the case down the road.

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How Soon After Filing A Claim Will A Claims Adjuster Get In Touch With Me?

If an injured party is not represented insurance companies move very quickly and trying to get statements and small settlements secured prior to the injured parties hiring an attorney. I have seen insurance adjusters to go to hospitals, contact family members in trying to secure these settlements and statements before I am retained.

What Is The Role Of An Insurance Adjuster In My Personal Injury Case?

The role of the insurance adjuster and the insurance companies to protect their client which is the insured party. They are no way looking out for the injured party’s well-being. Once I am retained, I advise clients that they should have no contact with anybody other than myself or their medical providers regarding the claim or case.

What Weaknesses Are Claims Adjusters Looking For In A Personal Injury Case?

Claims adjusters and their attorneys and their investigators can defend the claim or case on a number of different grounds generally. They either try to avoid the liability and what caused the accident and or minimize the damages that an injured party sustained or try to prove that the injuries that the client sustained are not related to the accident that occurred.

What Can I Expect When Dealing With The Claims Adjuster In My Personal Injury Case? Will They Speak With Me Directly Or Through My Attorney?

The insurance adjuster that contacts and injured party immediately after an accident will generally be cordial and apparently caring to some extent. But with the injured party must remember is that the insurance adjuster is there to protect the interests of the insured, the defendant in the case. After I am retained to represent an injured party, I advise my client not to speak to anybody other than their medical providers or myself regarding the accident. They in no way should speak to any insurance adjuster after I am retained and the insurance adjuster is barred from contacting my client once I inform them of my representation.

For more information on Challenges In A Personal Injury Claim, a free case evaluation is your best next step. Get the information and legal answers you’re seeking by calling (914) 686-3171 today.