
Are you looking for a business attorney in New York? If you want to start your own company, you will need a business formation attorney to help you navigate the business formation process, as well as assistance with the regulatory standards and official documentation that all new enterprises must navigate.

Headquartered in White Plains, Glen Kurtis is one of the most experienced and attentive NY business formation lawyers in practice today. He offers a range of services for new companies and startup entities that begin by helping them choose the business formation that is right for them.

An established lawyer in business law, Glen Kurtis has worked with budding enterprises from their very earliest days. Because choosing the proper structure for any business venture is essential to its successful launch and operation, this decision is not one to be taken lightly or taken alone.

Forming a business can often be more complex than it may seem initially. There are various legal and regulatory requirements that need to be met, and the type of business structure you choose can have significant implications for taxation, liability, and ownership. That is why it is essential to have the support of an experienced legal professional throughout the formation process.

In forming your business, you may consider:

  • Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs)
  • S-corporations
  • C-corporations
  • Close Corporations

No matter what type of business you are looking to form, our experienced legal team can provide the guidance and support you need to ensure that your business is set up for success.

One of the best New York business formation attorneys you can reach out to start forming your business is Glen Kurtis. He has the knowledge and skill to help you identify the best business structure for your new startup and guide you through the entire business formation process. Contact us today for a consultation and learn more about your ideal form of business.