Can I Even Afford To File Bankruptcy?

There are legal and filing fees associated with the filing of a bankruptcy petition. Those fees are generally far less than what you would be required to pay back had you not filed bankruptcy, so from a financial point of view, it’s almost always more advantageous to file bankruptcy than not. I offer very reasonable .

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What Is A Discharge In Bankruptcy?

After a bankruptcy case is administered the client generally receives a discharge which states that they are no longer responsible for the deaths that were included in the petition. They would no longer have the obligation to pay these debts and they are deemed discharged. What Debts Are Dischargeable In A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? Generally .

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Which Types Of Debt Can You Discharge In A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Finding the money you need to pay rent and bills and buy groceries when you’re suffering under the weight of debt can be overwhelming. A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy could be an option for you if you need debt relief from credit cards, medical bills, car loans, and more. Read on to discover what types of .

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Should I Give An Oral Statement On The Phone To Insurance Adjusters After A Slip And Fall?

It’s always best to refrain from giving a statement to an insurance adjuster or an investigator immediately after an accident and especially before you retain an attorney to represent you in the matter. What Do I Do If The Insurance Adjuster Contacts Me After A Slip And Fall? It’s always best to retain an attorney .

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For An Overview Of New York State Dog Bite Laws

In New York to prove liability in a dog bite case you generally have to show that the dog had a vicious propensity and that the owner knew of this propensity and didn’t take reasonable steps to control the dog and that lack of control of the animal lead in one way or another to .

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Do Other Motorists Have A Duty Or Responsibility To Motorcyclists?

Yes, they need to be treated just as any other vehicle or pedestrian on the road with the same respect and precautions taken. What Types Of Injuries Do Motorcycle Riders Generally Sustain From Accidents? I have seen very serious injuries resulting from motorcycle accidents, from broken bones, dislocations, neck and back injuries, lacerations and spinal .

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